How to Contact Vivint Customer Service

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Vivint is a company that provides home automation and security systems. If you have any questions or issues with your Vivint system, you can contact their customer service for assistance. Here's how to get in touch with Vivint Customer Service.

Contact Vivint Customer Service by Phone

If you need to contact Vivint customer service by phone, you can do so by calling their toll-free number at 1-800-216-5232. This number is available 24/7 for general inquiries and technical support.

When you call, you will be prompted to select from a menu of options to direct your call to the appropriate department. Some common options include:

  • Sales: If you are interested in purchasing Vivint products or services, select this option.
  • Technical Support: If you are experiencing issues with your Vivint system or equipment, select this option.
  • Billing: If you have questions about your billing or need to make a payment, select this option.
  • Move: If you are moving to a new home and need to transfer your Vivint services, select this option.
  • Feedback: If you have feedback or a complaint about your Vivint experience, select this option.

Once you have selected your option, you may be asked to provide your account information or details about your issue. From there, you will be connected with a Vivint customer service representative who can assist you with your needs.

Contact Vivint Customer Service by Email

If you prefer to contact Vivint Customer Service by email, you can do so by sending an email to Make sure to include your full name, account number (if you are an existing customer), and a detailed description of your issue. Vivint's customer service team will typically respond to emails within 24-48 hours.

When composing your email, make sure to include as much information as possible about your issue, including any error messages you may have received, and steps you have taken to try to resolve the issue. Providing this information upfront can help Vivint's customer service team better understand the issue and provide a more efficient resolution.

Contact Vivint Customer Service via Live Chat

You can contact Vivint customer service via live chat by visiting the company's website at and clicking on the "Support" button located in the upper right-hand corner of the homepage. From there, you can click on "Chat" and enter your name and email address to initiate a live chat session with a Vivint customer service representative.

The live chat feature is available 24/7, so you can contact Vivint's customer service team at any time with your questions or concerns. When initiating a live chat session, be sure to provide as much information as possible about your issue, including any error messages or symptoms you may be experiencing. This can help the customer service representative better understand your issue and provide a quicker resolution.

Contact Vivint Customer Service via Social Media

Vivint has an active presence on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Customers can also reach out to the company via these platforms for support and assistance. Here are the steps to contact Vivint customer service via social media:

  1. Facebook: Visit the Vivint Facebook page and send a direct message describing your issue. You can expect a response within a few hours.

  2. Twitter: Tweet to Vivint's official Twitter handle, @VivintHome, with a brief description of your issue. A customer service representative will respond to your tweet and assist you with your problem.

  3. Instagram: Send a direct message to Vivint's official Instagram handle, @vivinthome, explaining your problem. You can expect a response within a few hours.

It's worth noting that social media may not be the most efficient way to get in touch with customer service, as response times can vary, and more complex issues may require more in-depth communication.

In conclusion, if you have any issues with your Vivint system, don't hesitate to contact their customer service for assistance. They offer multiple ways to get in touch with them, including phone, email, live chat, and social media, so you can choose the method that works best for you.

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